Life is the interconnected experience all 8 billion people perceive in numerous ways. In depth, life is how a soul created by the roots of Earth, or what I believe (God), experiences the essence of organisms, hardships and solutions, and relationships with the other souls they have affinities for. Everyone in the world, either in the future or in the past undergo life in completely different ways. Think of it as being on the highway with an abundance of cars. The speeding car you ponder about is on its way to the hospital, a potential soul grasping onto its last inch of life. The car right next to it, going abnormally slow, may have just returned from the hospital. Wondering why their loved soul couldn’t make the most of the last seconds of the life they had. In simpler words, life isn’t just a singular core you personally endure.
Life is instead diffused between generations and populations of people. Although it’s like a sacrosanct spirit, untouchable and rather dreamy, life often dissimulates itself into something so close yet so far. As in life being taken from individuals, old and young, small and big, or innocent or violent. Happening for various reasons, or the problems with our generations, Illnesses, drugs, homicide, and suicide. However, fortunately more commonly, life is given to those who deserve it, according to God. A new soul is born, and life is spread throughout the soul, making it a surprise for the new parents. Birth isn’t the only way life is given!
In fact, life is given when dead flowers bloom, the sun reappears after hours of hiding behind grey clouds, and when a piece of life is acknowledged so intimately by someone, that importance and more life is given to them. As in listening to a favorite song or receiving the puppy you’ve eyed at the shelter. Life, existence, and purpose are all so truly important. And in all, life is given to those who are trusted to protect what they have with immense care. Lots of people take advantage of that and use it to harm the future and/or potential of others’ lives. But many people know what they’re worth and know that some people would kill to have the same amount of dedication as them. Life is a hit or miss, in a couple words. No one’s telling you what to do with your life, but out of everything, is harming others’ the path you’d really want to choose? You were trusted with life, why waste it? Live life to its fullest, go with your passions and commit to them wholeheartedly. Although it seems like a small difference, your enjoyable life may make a huge impact on the state of others.
Bio: Hello everyone! My name is Ridhi Shah, and I’m studying in seventh grade at Karrer Middle School. As a young girl in middle school, many of my hobbies include playing tennis, reciting speeches and debating with my parents, and of course writing! I’m currently living in Dublin, Ohio, but my dreams one day are to inspire others with my writing, tennis, or confidence.