Most of us are familiar with the seven Chakras or energy centers of the body. Although these Chakras are the main energy centers of the body, we actually have over 70,000 other smaller energy centers or scattered throughout the body like stars. While the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras are the most powerful, there are eight other notable chakras that are worth understanding These include .
God’s Head Chakra
The God’s Head Chakra is the 12th Chakra and is located roughly 12 inches above the Crown Chakra. The God’s Head Chakra is believed to be very similar to the idea of a halo. When activated, the God’s Head Chakra helps to stimulate higher consciousness and the feelings of God energy flowing from within. When out of balance, this energy center can manifest as feeling powerless or out of sync with your life.
Soul Star Chakra
The Soul Star Chakra is located just above the crown chakra and governs the energy of past knowledge and karmic memory. When the Soul Star Chakra is activated it is possible to have insights on past lives and different dimensions. Astral travel can also occur when this Chakra is activated, as well as a desire to study the stars and planets. When this Chakra is out of balance it can be difficult to manifest things and feel connected to the greater Universe.
Pineal Chakra
The Pineal chakra is located directly behind the eyes in the center of the brain. The Pineal Glandhas long been considered sacred and is often called the seat of consciousness. The Pineal Chakra activates the energy of the Pineal gland, which helps to stimulate spiritual awareness and feelings of divinity. When in balance, this Chakra can help you to access hidden realms, communicate with Spirits and feel more in touch with your inner self. It is also often activated on the lightworker journey. When out of balance, this Chakra can manifest as an inability to think for oneself, constant feelings of fear about the state of the world and being closed off to intuitive messages.
Cerebellum Chakra
The Cerebellum Chakra is located at the back of the neck just where your neck and head meet. This Chakra is known as the “well of dreams” and is said to help you access hidden realms, creative ideas and your soul contract. When this energy center is strong, it manifests as feeling in touch and inspired by your dreams and even prophetic dreaming. It can also help you to see things for what they are, without allowing judgements of the mind to interfere. When out of balance, this energy center can manifest as clouded judgement, always seeing the negative side of things and an inability to tap into your intuitive voice.
Thymus Chakra
The Thymus Chakra is also called the higher heart chakra and is located between the throat and the heart area. When in balance, this Chakra helps you to access love of the Divine and of the self. It also helps you to see the gratitude and beauty in everyday things. When out of balance, this Chakra can manifest as narrow-mindedness or an inability to accept differing points of view. The Thymus Chakra also helps you to connect your heart energies to your words so you can communicate more empathically and compassionately.
Sacred Heart Chakra
The Sacred Heart Chakra is located just below the heart chakra and slightly to the left. The Sacred Heart Chakra works with the energy of the heart center and helps to expand our consciousness and feelings of unconditional love. When in balance, the Sacred Heart Chakra helps you to feel confident and secure with your direction in life. It also helps to expand your intuitive feelings and clarity when it comes to messages from unseen worlds. When this Chakra is out of balance it can manifest as confusion, lack of empathy and inability to see both sides of the story.
Core Star Chakra
The Core Star Chakra is located above the Sacral or second Chakra, right near the diaphragm. The Core Star Chakra represents the “study” of the soul and the pursuit of esoteric knowledge. When in balance, this Chakra helps us to understand our role in this world and our soul purpose. When out of balance however, it can cause feelings of disconnect. To balance this Chakra, studying spiritual wisdom and metaphysics can help, as can meditation exercises that focus on breathing.
Earth Star Chakra