Selfish Daughter

Family is all those who supports you, loves you, motivates you, and touch you in each thick and thin of life and yes they always are not related by blood. This was inculcated in us by our parents. As COVID-19 pandemic hits, we all tried to reach out to our loved ones to check on them and make sure that they all are in their high spirits. I remember when the pandemic hit, like most of us, I was glued to my social media. One thing that was thought-provoking to me was to see young parents getting praised for how happy and perfect their family is. Then I pause and think about “Family”. Are parents and kids only considered as a family?

What about those parents who raised their kids that they can start their own so-called family? What about those siblings/cousins/uncle-aunts/friends that we always loved to call “friends as the family”, who were always there to cheer you up when you were down and enjoy all the nuisance of life? I think it is all about time. After 18-20 years, the same parents that take pride in young kids today will turn out to be boring, poking, and interfering for the young ones. I think this is a circle of life that we all roll around.

Life is very demanding and so are our excuses of being busy in life and then the pandemic added difficulties. But then, apart from family, kids and regular chores that hold us back is the career that we tend to withhold as the biggest excuse of all time. Being in the USA as a student already is not easy on so my fonts, but when you get the call that mom got COVID and is in hospital just strip your breathe from you.

It was the same for me, the day I got the call was just a nightmare and it took a toll on my entire family.

Calling every morning and every evening just to make sure that mom is okay was a tenuous task guarded by zillions of prayers to keep my mom safe and stable. The only relieving thing in this was that my sisters could just drove home to take care of mom and my dad was already there. But it was not an easy task for them either. Being medical professionals, they are in their worst status when it comes to their own or their loved one’s health. The condition was so dire that they did not even let me talk to mom and every conversation led to my breakdown till my mother started to get better after 7days with the help of doctors, prayers, and best wishes. Those were sleepless nights and restless days as I could not be with my parents when they needed me the most.

And why? Just because I am busy making my career I assume. I was never my parents priority when it came to my upbringing, rather I was their life but when it comes to me? I think I am such a selfish daughter as I want to help my parents, and be there when they need us but, did I succeed? Absolutely not!!

As life is a circle of what goes around comes around, and I think when I grow old, the kids in my life will have their priorities. Although I am selfish, I would try to be a less selfish one by not tagging my parents or siblings/friends as IMPORTANT but rather living with them without excuses. Even in this rigorous time, I had my family in the USA who were sticking with me to take care of me. I would like to thank Susmita, Becky, Raushan, Devika, and Kanchan along with my lab and ANTA (Association of Nepali Teraian in America) family who made sure that I do not lose my mind in any way.

(Writer Dr. Namrata GR Raut is a Post-doctoral Fellow at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA)


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