Oral hygiene and tooth brushing

“We should brush our teeth every day!”—I believe this is one of the most repeated statements, yet it’s often misunderstood. This is where awareness plays a crucial role. We all know the importance, but the real question is: do we all follow through with it?

An aware person not only possesses knowledge but also applies it to their own life, as well as to the well-being of their family, society, and country.

Even a 2- or 3-year-old child can now correctly say that we should brush our teeth twice a day. This is thanks to the efforts of practicing dentists and the media in spreading awareness about oral health. However, how many of us are truly motivated to maintain good oral hygiene? While we may be literate, how many of us are educated when it comes to taking care of our oral health?

Dentistry explains that within seconds of cleaning our teeth, a thin layer of protein called pellicle forms on the surface. Bacteria adhere to this pellicle, leading to the development of plaque, which can later harden into calculus. These pellicles, plaque, and calculus deposits are major causes of dental caries and periodontal diseases. Pellicles can be removed through mouth rinsing, plaque through regular tooth brushing, and calculus through professional prophylactic cleaning or scaling by a periodontist.

Fortunately, our oral cavity allows us the opportunity to take preventive measures like mouth rinsing and tooth brushing, which we must recognize and act on before problems worsen.

Tooth brushing, whether for children or adults, requires a proper technique. I personally started learning the correct technique in my fourth year of dental school, and it’s never too late to begin. If

I, as a dentist, adopted the correct method later in life, it’s perfectly fine for you to start brushing properly at 16, in your 20s, 40s, or even in your 60s.

As a dentist, if I don’t brush my teeth properly, how can I advise others to do the same? That was my motivation. What’s yours?

By investing just a few minutes each day, we can secure millions of productive hours, improve our appearance, and boost our self-confidence.

Tooth brushing is just as important as personal hygiene, eating, or getting enough sleep.

It’s true that teeth are made of the hardest substance in the human body—enamel—but we  must remember that even iron can rust if it’s not properly cared for.

I recently heard the statement, “The mouth is the most used and abused part of the human body,” and I find it to be quite relatable.

A few years ago, I was working in the department of Pedodontics, which specializes in oral health for children from birth to 14 years. I met a 12-year-old boy who requested an extraction for his severely decayed lower first molars on both sides.

It took me a moment to process the situation. Dentistry teaches us that the first molars typically erupt around the age of 6 or 7 and, if properly maintained, can last a lifetime. But here was a 12-year-old with destroyed molars. What kind of neglect in oral hygiene could have led to this?

My shock deepened even further when I heard him say, “After all, it’s just a tooth. Once it’s decayed, it must be extracted!”

To those who believe “it’s just a tooth,” let me clarify: it’s not just a tooth. It’s an organ that gives shape to our face, the face by which we are recognized. It enables our smile, which brings appreciation from others. It allows us to speak, expressing our thoughts and feelings. And, of course, it functions as a chewing machine that provides our body with the necessary nutrition. So no, it’s not just a tooth.

It’s crucial to understand that edentulism (the loss of teeth) is not a natural part of aging. It’s a condition that could have been avoided with proper care—care as simple as brushing regularly.

I understand that life today is complicated. We can’t completely restrict children from eating chocolates or processed foods, and there may be genuine reasons for late-night eating. However, maintaining oral hygiene with something as simple as consistent tooth brushing is a choice we can make.

The WHO’s global oral health status report states that approximately half of the world’s population suffers from some form of oral disease, with similar data from Nepal. The three most common issues are dental caries, periodontal diseases (gum and bone diseases), and oral cancer—fortunately, all of them are preventable.

Oral diseases are chronic; they may not directly cause death, but they certainly diminish the quality of life. Treatments for these conditions can be costly and increase the financial burden on families.

Worse, they can reduce an individual’s productivity.

While there are many options for replacing lost teeth, none of them truly replicates the function or aesthetics of a natural tooth. Just two minutes of brushing each morning can help prevent chronic oral diseases, reduce financial strain, maintain productivity, and boost our sense of well-being and self-confidence.

It might sound humorous, but I truly believe that brushing your teeth is like a fixed deposit for your future. Imagine reaching the age of 50 or 60, sitting with your colleagues, and noticing that you’re the only one with all your natural teeth.

Prevention is a choice. It’s up to us whether we want to live a confident, productive, and meaningful life, or whether we will regret not taking the simple steps to make it better.

(Please note: “This article is for educational purposes and should not be used for diagnosis purposes. Please consult a dentist if you need any consultation”.)

Dr. Toniya Raut
Dr. Toniya Raut
Oral Pathologist, B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal.


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